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XephyrCommandFlag = enum
  xephyrf_hostCursor, ## set 'cursor acceleration': The host's cursor is
                       ## reused. This is only really there to aid debugging by avoiding
                       ## server paints for the cursor. Performance improvement is negligible.
  xephyrf_Resizeable,       ## Allow the Xephyr window to be resized, even if
                             ## not embedded into a parent window. By default,
                             ## the Xephyr window has a fixed size.
  xephurf_noHostGrab,       ## Disable grabbing the keyboard and mouse.
  xephyrf_Retro,            ## start with classic stipple and cursor
  xephyrf_SwCursor           ## Render cursors in software in Xephyr
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xephyrCommandStrings = ["host-cursor", "resizeable", "no-host-grap", "retro",
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proc findXephyr(): Option[(Pid, seq[string])] {....raises: [ArgumentError, OSError,
    Exception, ValueError, ShellError, IOError],
    tags: [ShellExecEffect, ExecIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect, RootEffect].}
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proc start(cmd: XephyrCommand): Process {.
    ...raises: [OSError, Exception, ValueError, ShellError, IOError],
    tags: [ExecIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect, RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
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proc toShellCmd(cmd: XephyrCommand): ShellCmd {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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template withXephyr(body: untyped): untyped
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