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Nim reimplementation of layout algorithm from

This module implements combinator-based text layout algorithm, adapted from google's rfmt implementation. It provides convenient primitves for building custom pretty-printers without worrying about choosing optimal layout - you describe all possible layouts and then get the most optimal one, given constraints on right and left margins, line break and several others.

To construct block tree for layoyt you can either use makeLineBlock, makeStackBlock and other functions or DSL.

DSL for tree construction is implemented in form of operator overloading, allowing for easy splicing of custom logic. LytBuilderKind describes different forms of layout and has overloaded [] operator. initBlockFmtDSL template creates one-letter shortcuts for different layout kinds -

  • H for H orizontal
  • V for V ertical
  • T for T ext
  • I for I ndent
  • S for S pace
  • C for C hoice
  • W for W rap
  • E for E mpty

And should be used like this:

  T["proc ("],
  C[ # Choice combinator
    # Put arguments horizontally
    H[@[T["arg1: int"], T["arg2: int"],]].join(T[", "]),
    # Put arguments vertically
    V[@[T["arg1: int"], T["arg2: int"],]].join(T[", "]),

This describes layut for nim proc declarations, and provides to alternatives - put arguments either horizontally or veritcally.


Horizontal layout combinator attaches topmost line in the block to the lowest part of the preceding block, so arrangement H[V[T["[#]"], T["[#]"]], V[T["[#]"], T["[#]"]]] would result in


Layout = ref object
  elements: seq[LayoutElement]
An object containing a sequence of directives to the console.   Source   Edit
LytBlock = ref object
  layoutCache: Table[Option[LytSolution], Option[LytSolution]]
  isBreaking* {.requiresinit.}: bool ## Whether or not this block should end the line
  breakMult* {.requiresinit.}: int ## Local line break cost change
  minWidth* {.requiresinit.}: int
  hasInnerChoice*: bool
  id {.requiresinit.}: int
  case kind*: LytBlockKind
  of bkVerb:
      textLines*: seq[LytStr] ## Multiple lines of text
      firstNl*: bool         ## Insert newline at the block start
  of bkText:
      text*: LytStr          ## A single line of text, free of carriage
                             ## returs etc.
  of bkWrap:
      prefix*: Option[string]
      sep*: string           ## Separator for block wraps
      wrapElements*: seq[LytBlock]

  of bkStack, bkChoice, bkLine:
      elements*: seq[LytBlock]

  of bkEmpty:

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LytBlockKind = enum
  bkText,                   ## Single line text block
  bkLine,                   ## Horizontally stacked lines
  bkChoice,                 ## Several alternating layouts
  bkStack,                  ## Vertically stacked layouts
  bkWrap,                   ## Mulitple blocks wrapped to create lowerst-cost layout
  bkVerb,                   ## Multiple lines verbatim
  bkEmpty                    ## Empty layout block - ignored by `add` etc.
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LytBuilderKind = enum
  blkLine, blkStack, blkText, blkIndent, blkSpace, blkChoice, blkEmpty, blkWrap
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LytOptions = object
  leftMargin*: int           ## position of the first right margin. Expected `0`
  rightMargin*: int          ## position of the second right margin. Set for `80`
                             ## to wrap on default column limit.
  leftMarginCost*: float     ## cost (per character) beyond margin 0.
                             ## Expected value `~0.05`
  rightMarginCost*: float    ## cost (per character) beyond margin 1. Should
                             ## be much higher than `c0`. Expected value
                             ## `~100`
  linebreakCost*: int        ## cost per line-break
  indentSpaces*: int         ## spaces per indent
  cpack*: float              ## cost (per element) for packing justified layouts.
                             ## Expected value `~0.001`
  format_policy*: LytFormatPolicy
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LytSolution = ref object
  id {.requiresinit.}: int ## A Solution object effectively maps an integer (the left margin at
                           ## which the solution is placed) to a layout notionally optimal for
                           ## that margin, together with cost information used to evaluate the
                           ## layout. For compactness, the map takes the form of a
                           ## piecewise-linear cost function, with associated layouts.
  knots: seq[int] ## a list of ints, specifying the margin settings at
                  ## which the layout changes. Note that the first knot is required to be
                  ## 0.
  spans: seq[int]            ## a list of ints, giving for each knot, the width of
                             ## the corresponding layout in characters.
  intercepts: seq[float]     ## constant cost associated with each knot.
  gradients: seq[float]      ## at each knot, the rate with which the layout
                             ## cost increases with an additional margin
                             ## indent of 1 character.
  layouts*: seq[Layout]      ## the Layout objects expressing the optimal
                             ## layout between each knot.
  index: int
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LytStr = object
  text*: ColoredText
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OutConsole = object
  leftMargin: int
  rightMargin: int
  hPos: int
  margins: seq[int]
  outStr: ColoredText
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defaultFormatOpts = (leftMargin: 0, rightMargin: 80, leftMarginCost: 0.05,
                     rightMarginCost: 100.0, linebreakCost: 5, indentSpaces: 2,
                     cpack: 0.001,
                     format_policy: (breakElementLines: (:anonymous, nil)))
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proc `$`(blc: LytBlock): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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proc `$`(le: LayoutElement): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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proc `$`(lt: Layout): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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proc `$`(sln: LytSolution): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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proc `$`(sln: Option[LytSolution]): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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func `&?`(bl: LytBlock; added: tuple[condOk: bool, bl: LytBlock]): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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func `??`(bl: LytBlock; condOk: bool): LytBlock {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func `??`(blocks: tuple[ok, fail: LytBlock]; condOk: bool): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc `[]`(b: static[LytBuilderKind]; a: string | ColoredString | ColoredLine |
    seq[ColoredLine] |
    ColoredText; breaking: bool = false): LytBlock
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proc `[]`(b: static[LytBuilderKind]; bl: LytBlock; args: varargs[LytBlock]): LytBlock
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proc `[]`(b: static[LytBuilderKind]; i: int; bl: LytBlock): LytBlock
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proc `[]`(b: static[LytBuilderKind]; s: seq[LytBlock]; sep: string = ", "): LytBlock
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proc `[]`(b: static[LytBuilderKind]; tlen: int = 1): LytBlock
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func `[]`(blc: LytBlock; idx: int): LytBlock {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func `[]`(blc: var LytBlock; idx: int): var LytBlock {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func add(target: var LytBlock; other: varargs[LytBlock];
         compact: bool = defaultCompact) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func codegenRepr(inBl: LytBlock; indent: int = 0): string {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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func condOr(cond: bool; ok: LytBlock; fail: LytBlock = makeEmptyBlock()): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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func convertBlock(bk: LytBlock; newKind: LytBlockKind): LytBlock {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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proc debugOn(self: Layout; buf: var string): void {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [].}
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proc doOptLayout(self: var LytBlock; rest: var Option[LytSolution];
                 opts: LytOptions): Option[LytSolution] {.
    ...raises: [ValueError, Exception, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}
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func filterEmpty(blocks: openArray[LytBlock]): seq[LytBlock] {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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func flatten(bl: LytBlock; kind: set[LytBlockKind]): LytBlock {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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func isEmpty(bl: LytBlock): bool {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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func join(blocks: LytBlock; sep: LytBlock; vertLines: bool = true): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [NilArgumentError], tags: [].}
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func join(blocks: seq[LytBlock]; sep: LytBlock; direction: LytBlockKind): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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func len(blc: LytBlock): int {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func len(s: LytStr): int {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc makeAlignedGrid(blocks: seq[seq[LytBlock]];
                     aligns: openArray[StringAlignDirection]): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [ArgumentError, NilArgumentError], tags: [].}
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proc makeAlignedGrid(blocks: seq[seq[LytBlock]]; aligns: openArray[
    tuple[leftPad, rightPad: int, direction: StringAlignDirection]]): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [ArgumentError, NilArgumentError], tags: [].}
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func makeBlock(kind: LytBlockKind; breakMult: int = 1): LytBlock {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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func makeChoiceBlock(elems: openArray[LytBlock]; breakMult: int = 1;
                     compact: bool = defaultCompact): LytBlock {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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func makeEmptyBlock(): LytBlock {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func makeForceLinebreak(text: string = ""): LytBlock {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func makeIndentBlock(blc: LytBlock; indent: int; breakMult: int = 1): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [NilArgumentError], tags: [].}
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func makeLineBlock(elems: openArray[LytBlock]; breakMult: int = 1;
                   compact: bool = defaultCompact): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [NilArgumentError], tags: [].}
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func makeLineCommentBlock(text: string; prefix: string = "# "): LytBlock {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc makeStackBlock(elems: openArray[LytBlock]; breakMult: int = 1;
                    compact: bool = defaultCompact): LytBlock {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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func makeTextBlock(text: ColoredString | ColoredLine | ColoredRuneLine | string;
                   breakMult: int = 1; breaking: bool = false): LytBlock
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func makeTextBlock(text: string; breakMult: int = 1): LytBlock {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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proc makeTextBlocks(text: openArray[string]): seq[LytBlock] {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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func makeTextOrStackTextBlock(text: string | ColoredString | ColoredLine |
    seq[ColoredLine] |
    ColoredText; breaking: bool = false; firstNl: bool = false;
                              breakMult: int = 1): LytBlock
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func makeVerbBlock[S: string | ColoredString | ColoredLine | ColoredRuneLine](
    textLines: openArray[S]; breaking: bool = true; firstNl: bool = false;
    breakMult: int = 1): LytBlock
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func makeWrapBlock(elems: openArray[LytBlock]; breakMult: int = 1;
                   sep: string = ", "): LytBlock {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc printOn(self: Layout; buf: var OutConsole) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func pyCodegenRepr(inBl: LytBlock; indent: int = 0; nimpref: string = "";
                   prelude: bool = false; colortext: bool = false;
                   colored: bool = false; makeTextOrVerb: bool = false): string {.
    ...raises: [ImplementError, ValueError], tags: [].}
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func textLen(b: LytBlock): int {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc toLayouts(bl: LytBlock; opts: LytOptions = defaultFormatOpts): seq[Layout] {....raises: [
    ArgumentError, ValueError, Exception, KeyError, NoneArgumentError],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc toString(bl: LytBlock; rightMargin: int = 80;
              opts: LytOptions = defaultFormatOpts): ColoredText {....raises: [
    ArgumentError, ValueError, Exception, KeyError, NoneArgumentError],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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func treeRepr(inBl: LytBlock): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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proc treeRepr(self: Layout; level: int = 0): ColoredText {.
    ...raises: [ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc treeRepr(self: LytSolution; level: int = 0): ColoredText {.
    ...raises: [ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc write(stream: Stream | File; self: Layout; indent: int = 0)
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iterator items(blc: LytBlock): LytBlock {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator mitems(blc: var LytBlock): var LytBlock {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator mpairs(blc: var LytBlock): (int, var LytBlock) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator pairs(blc: LytBlock): (int, LytBlock) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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template addItBlock(res: LytBlock; item: typed; expr: untyped; join: LytBlock): untyped
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template findSingle(elems: typed; targetKind: typed): untyped
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template initBlockFmtDSL() {.dirty.}
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template joinItBlock(direction: LytBlockKind; item: typed; expr: untyped;
                     join: LytBlock): untyped
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template joinItLine(item: typed; expr: untyped; join: LytBlock): untyped
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