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Unittest prelude file - enable compile-time coverage, startHax() on import. Exports all the necessary modules for unit testing - hunittest, hcoverage and pretty-printe.


newParseError, last, mget, withMutIt, intersect, currentSourceDir, clampIdx, dowhile, inFor, getHax, mapEnum, newImplementBaseError, toRevMapArray, of, asExpr, assertArg, -, twoPassSortByIt, nor, clear, lit3, startHaxComp, findIt, Utf8Continuations, mq, dollar, asVar, canImport, prepareMsg, tern, newImplementKindError, mkind, newSetterError, echove, &, stopHaxComp, toMapArray, postInc, Utf8Starts, @, dieHereComp, kindToStr, toString, mblock, add, getOr, workHaxComp, workHax, assertOption, preInc, echov, inFor, sortIt, Utf8Any, pushHax, ?, toMapArray, sweepGroupByIt, getOr, GetterError, d, //, toArrayKeys, globalTick, assertRefFields, lit3, Utf8Starts4, CodeError, cblock, top, mq1, assertRef, LogicError, msep, raiseImplementError, dieHereMacro, ///, Utf8Starts3, of, mexpected, ?, ifHaxComp, ImplementKindError, pairs, NilArgumentError, asRef, stopHax, byaddr1, getClamped, empty, newLogicError, first, haxRunningComp, namedItemListing, madd, echoi, newUnexpectedKindError, &, assertKind, EnvironmentAssertionError, ParseError, getIt, toMapArray, toT, newUnexpectedKindError, newHException, assertHasIdx, toValSet, haxThis, asRef, withResIt, echoi, groupByIt, mergeUniqByIt, toMapArraySome, asPtr, newImplementError, asSet, takesOnlyMutable, SliceTypes, haxRunning, joinWords, mfound, dev, cexpr, and, getSomeIt, currIInfo, eachIt, ErrorAnnotation, procIt, IndexTypes, SetterError, nand, last, dumpTyped, Attr, printCpuTime, mitem, setKind, UnexpectedKindError, withIt, width, de, mfound, GlobalSubstring, clear, newGetterError, ?, endFor, last2, Utf8Starts2, haxc, @, mgetOrDefault, startHax, dieHere, importx, canGet, ImplementBaseError, newIt, curIDir, not, plog, dechofmt, deduplicateIt, &=, clamp, getHaxStack, inWhile, colorPrint, ImplementError, add, mwrap, setIt, here, expectType, notNil, getIt, startFor, getOr, withDeepIt, popHax, pop, subnodesEq, joinAnyOf, newArgumentError, clamp, globalTick, procIt, or, relToSource, InstantiationInfo, asSet, toSet, NoneArgumentError, mcode, toKeySet, toValSeq, logicAssert, newEnvironmentAssertionError, NoValue, add, isMutable, first, ArgumentError, asConst, asRef, debugechoi, add, It, toPluralNoun, ploc, testFileEnded, parametrizeOnValue, getTestLogger, astdiff, setTestContext, matchdiff, getTestTempFile, TestFailKind, structeq, testFileStarted, structdiff, timeIt, parametrizeOnType, suite, timeIt, test, parametrizeOnConst, show, TestContext, newTestContext, TestReport, skip, strdiff, structdiff, getTestTempDir, fail, mergedFileEnded, wantContext, getTestTempFile, check, configureDefaultTestContext, TestReportKind, showCoverage, expect, checkpoint, newTestLogger, CovChunk, getCoverage, CovProcName, nohcov, hcoverageEnable, ==, ==, hcov, ==, CovProcInfo, CovReport, CovChunkKind, getId, PPrintTree, one, PPrintTreeKind, globKind, pprintObjectTree, pglob, getRightMargin, toPPrintBlock, newPPrintNil, newPPrintAnnotation, ppblock, forceLine, updateCounts, $, toPprintTree, forceStack, $, objectTreeRepr, PPrintExtraField, pstring, instLevel, ppblock, PPrintConf, ppblock, newTypeInstCount, newPPrintVariant, debugpprint, matchTypeField, newPPrintType, star, PPrintLytForce, treeDiff, instCount, PPrintLytChoice, match, newPPrintObject, add, ptkObjectKinds, matchField, ppblock, annotate, objectToPprintTree, pptree, newPPrintTree, pprint, toPPrintTree, assertValid, pathElem, forceChoice, add, matchTypeFields, pprintExtraField, newPPrintNil, updateCounts, $, isCommonType, newPPrintConst, getField, newPPrintType, isVisited, toPprintTree, globKind, field, isNilEntry, PPrintPath, $, pathElem, $, typeName, PPrintType, matches, globEqCmp, newPPrintConst, pptree, toPprintTree, matchAll, newPPrintSeq, matchType, &, pprintExtraField, pconf, newPPrintError, isErrorDeref, pstring, pathElem, newPPrintMap, add, newPPrintConst, newPPrintType, ignoredBy, visit, defaultPPrintConf, withNewDir, exists, symlinkExists, getTempDir, isAbsolute, ==, listAll, joinPath, hash, PathError, get, addFileExt, $, dir, newWriteStream, getPermissions, parentDirs, getAppTempDir, cd, AltSep, exists, getAbsDir, PathErrorKind, dropSuffix, getFileInfo, getLastModificationTime, ==, withoutParent, getNewTempDir, paramStrs, contains, **, endsWith, getFilePermissions, AnyDir, createSymlink, withoutRoot, splitPath, getCurrentOs, joinPath, /../, withCleanDir, findFile, walkDir, toFsDir, toDll, cwd, withoutBasePrefix, normalizedPath, toFsEntry, parentDir, ShellExpr, absolute, exclFilePermissions, expandSymlink, del, createHardlink, getAppBasename, FsEntry, copyFileWithPermissions, AbsPath, dir, RelDir, initOptParser, getMissingDependencies, RelFile, set, normalizePathEnd, toFsTree, getAppCacheDir, inclFilePermissions, expandSymlink, getCreationTime, fileExists, newFileStream, cmkd, /, AnyPath, /, EnvVarError, fsEntryExists, toFsFileSeq, writeTempFile, ignorePathErrors, name, open, exists, mkWithDirStructure, /, $, cpDir, flatFiles, withTempDir, &&, getCurrentDir, DistributionDebianDerivatives, withTempDir, ShellVar, getUserCacheDir, *!, changeFileExt, parentDir, getFileInfo, listFiles, ext, withParent, paramVal, isValidFilename, paramVal, copyDirWithPermissions, toFsFile, lastPathPart, name, hasExt, startsWith, getAppTempFile, toFsDirOption, newOutStringStream, &&=, exists, getopt, withDir, writeFile, getStr, assertValid, toAbsDir, remainingArgs, getUserRuntimeDir, contains, toFsFileOption, rmDir, parseJson, AbsDir, splitCmdLine, ==, toFsDir, withoutParent, splitCmdLine, ensureDir, getCurrentCompilerExe, RelPath, getAppConfRc, cbackend, isHidden, getUserConfigDir, DirSep, parseFsDir, withTempDir, AbsFile, len, getAppDataDir, cpFile, cmpPaths, toFsFileSeq, &&, rmFile, splitFile, normalizedPath, <, splitFile, currentSourceDir, withNewStreamFile, getOsPackageManagerCmd, getEnv, put, getAppDir, normalizedPath, withBasePrefix, setLastModificationTime, FsDir, joinPath, <, mkDir, dir, buildFsTree, existsEnvTo, withEnv, getInstallCmd, OutStringStream, FsTree, extractFilename, listDirs, toFsEntry, joinPath, getFileSize, assertExists, getHomeDir, ShellVarType, FsFile, mkDirStructure, writeNewFile, splitDir, cmdLineRest, $$, searchExtPos, CmdLineKind, withBaseSuffix, &&, walkDir, isAbsolute, get, OptParser, withoutPrefix, hshow, importSplit, withoutExt, mvDir, splitDir, toFsDir, findExe, withStreamFile, withExt, ==, currentAbsSourceDir, toFsFile, existsOrCreateDir, AnyFile, existsEnvOrDefault, sameFile, ~, shellHaxOn, joinPath, setFilePermissions, toFsFile, delEnv, toAbsFile, dir, pathLen, getFileInfo, <, normalizedPath, toBool, relativeUpCount, startsWith, getInstalledPackagesCmd, parentDir, ~&, realpath, dirExists, getTempFile, newFileSearchError, splitFile2, addToBasename, &., splitFile2, putEnv, hasExt, walkDirRec, readFile, addFileExt, getLastAccessTime, parseFsFile, fileNewer, absolute, normalize, ParDir, getAppConfigDir, /., dir, CurDir, tailDir, getPermissions, changeFileExt, next, toExe, newPathError, getAppRuntimeDir, getAppFilename, toFsEntry, findFilesWithExt, joinPath, osAndNims, PathSep, toFsDirOption, joinPath, setEnv, parentDir, withBase, normalizePath, addExt, exists, ExeExts, getopt, toFsDirSeq, isRelative, relativePath, withoutNParents, rmFiles, sameDir, nameExt, detectOs, getConfigDir, /../, assertExists, relativePath, toJson, getStr, withTempFile, withExt, isPackageInstalled, startsWith, realpath, DistributionGenericOsNames, paramCount, toFsFileOption, toFsDirSeq, normalize, dir, appendFile, findFile, getUserDataDir, existsEnv, paramStr, mvFile, withExt